On Intersectionality

Embarking my teenage, I always had a blurry image of a phenomenal woman in my head; a woman whose whereabouts were unknown to me. I had an intuitive urge to know more about her, to absorb her, to be her. 

I did not know how did she look; Who did she love? Did she bake for a living ? or was she a poet?

For me, that blurry image could be any woman of this cosmos, and thus, I could never separate one woman from another.

Intersectionality is loosely based on this vision. It identifies how different dynamics of a society overlap and intersect each other to affect the marginalized sections by affecting their grounds of privileges and discrimination. These dynamics include economic status, nationality, religion, language, physical ability, race, gender, and class.

Some struggle to break the glass ceiling in an organisation, some fight to merely fit in that institution.

Intersectionality makes feminism accessible to every woman and not just to a certain section of women. It looks at different struggles simultaneously and makes feminism a ray of hope that glistens in the eyes of every woman who has been oppressed in any manner. 

Apart from empowering women and the marginalized sections, intersectionality focuses on educating and conditioning men and the majority too; since technically, the majority has more say in the decision making spectrum of our society. It makes sure that no woman is silenced because of the patriarchal conditioning of the society.

Intersectionality will stand up for my friends, and in this process, somewhere, it will stand up for me too. 


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