Delhi with a capital D

My roommate  managed to immortalize my long forgotten dream about Delhi's roads by posting a blurred picture of me in an auto rickshaw on her Pinterest feed.

When I was a kid, auto rides in Delhi used to make me happy, and there was a soft whisper inside of me that said, "I want to study in this city." 

(Keyword here is study) 

And mind you, I held that whisper more important than the promise I made to my father.

Today, I don't really understand Delhi. At times it is chaotic, at times it embraces me. It is a complicated place. 

(The more I try to understand this city, the more I empathise with humankind.) 

When I study English under the lenses of grammar, I learn that a proper noun should start with a capital letter. Hence Delhi.

When I study English under the lenses of literature, I learn that when random words are written  with a capital letter, the poet/writer wants to personify them. Hence Delhi.


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