to the places that tried to save your childhood from rotting, 

to the rusty see saws and the swings with chipped paint

the swings? 

they painted it again. 

the same? 

blue and red this time.


the baby pink and yellow-


and sparrows? 

"Sparrows?", you ask

We don't see them these days.

Birds never stay. 

in the cage or in the sky

Bulbul .

The pipes? Do they still leak? 


And the basketball court where children were gulped underground? 

It was a rumour.


the soil, though, might still be the same

it dries in july, glistens in the sun and takes its dusty flight.

where to? 

It's maghrib, let's go home before it gets dark 

Where is home?

Double chocolate icecream, yes or no? 


PS- visits to childhood apartment always make me think of summer vacations and the adventures around them.

the conversation between Holden and Phoebe in The Catcher in the Rye also acted as a catalyst behind this. Enjoy.


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