journal entry 6.10.23

pop culture made me happy; weeds and ferns and the unimportant wildflowers;

stars and the moonlight, 

breezy summer, and cats; 

and the january sun was a delicious dream; 

novellas and poetry, eyes fixed at my professor's gliding, explaining hands; 

her nails and rose tinted finger tips made me happy; 

my mother's wardrobe made me happy 

and interwoven sentences with no fine punctuation, commas, commas, commas, and commas made me happy; 

and blending watercolours felt like a drop of water on my sore eyes 

these things made me think and i knew that there were others like me,

the Abandoners i call them. 

when i saw that girl's silenced online archives of memories 

i saw cats and skies and books and sunsets 

and then blood.


and figures 

and questions 

and quotes 

and a lot of Edward Said 

i saw a life left behind 

i saw beauty forsaken 

For mercy 
For love 
For justice 

And now I know, 
To abandon for life's sake is a life lived 

From our rotten ambitions, 
And from the shackles of the Authorities, 
May we be free.



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